You are a magical find, when people come accross you, often they are delighted to see you. If people mistake you for another they can become gravely ill, so it's important for people to know who you are. In your company, white seems brighter, dark is all too deep and meaningful, colours appear to bounce and you tend to make people giggle alot. When you are fresh, sometimes you are a pain in the neck so it's best to leave you high and dry for a while to really enjoy you accompanied with a pizza.
Here is some HTML for you to cut and paste so you can warn everyone what you are really like!
<div align="center"><p><img src=""></p><p>You are a magical find, when people come accross you, often they are delighted to see you. If people mistake you for another they can become gravely ill, so it's important for people to know who you are. In your company, white seems brighter, dark is all too deep and meaningful, colours appear to bounce and you tend to make people giggle alot. When you are fresh, sometimes you are a pain in the neck so it's best to leave you high and dry for a while to really enjoy you accompanied with a pizza.</p><p><b><a href="">Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!</a></b></p><p>quiz
by <a href="">ravenritings</a></p></div>