You are deceptive as you pose as good and helpful to a fat person as in truth you are actually bad company for prolonged periods of time. Often your fat friend doesnt realise how complicated and unhealthy you are, called Diethylpropion in exclusive circles, all the while you appear to be regular and good you simply flatter your fat friend to think they may actually become slim and healthy one day. You excite your fat friend and make them dizzy and nervouse so they tend to sweat and go to the toilet, but not nearly enough to rid those two hamburgers, the raison bun and the can of coke they just ate. Really you are just a mild form of speed who has short interludes with truck drivers on occations they arnt able to spend time with their best buddy, Amphetamine.

Here is some HTML for you to cut and paste so you can warn everyone what you are really like!

<div align="center"><p><img src=""></p><p>You are deceptive as you pose as good and helpful to a fat person as in truth you are actually bad company for prolonged periods of time. Often your fat friend doesnt realise how complicated and unhealthy you are, called Diethylpropion in exclusive circles, all the while you appear to be regular and good you simply flatter your fat friend to think they may actually become slim and healthy one day. You excite your fat friend and make them dizzy and nervouse so they tend to sweat and go to the toilet, but not nearly enough to rid those two hamburgers, the raison bun and the can of coke they just ate. Really you are just a mild form of speed who has short interludes with truck drivers on occations they arnt able to spend time with their best buddy, Amphetamine. </p><p><b><a href="">Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!</a></b></p><p>quiz by <a href="">ravenritings</a></p></div>