You get aquainted with people very quickly, and almost immediately strangers open up with you as if they have known you for years. As exhilarating company as you are, people rush to be with you. You make people feel hot and sexy but after a while with you people tend to not want sex. You can annoy people and can make them unpredictable and agressive with you. Too much time with you people get nervouse disorders, paranoid and generally stupid.

Here is some HTML for you to cut and paste so you can warn people what you are really like!

<div align="center"><p><img src=""></p><p>You get aquainted with people very quickly, and almost immediately strangers open up with you as if they have known you for years. As exhilarating company as you are, people rush to be with you. You make people feel hot and sexy but after a while with you people tend to not want sex. You can annoy people and can make them unpredictable and agressive with you. Too much time with you people get nervouse disorders, paranoid and generally stupid.</p><p><b><a href="">Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!</a></b></p><p>quiz by <a href="">ravenritings</a></p></div>