You make people feel extremely good about themselves but they lack good judgement and should they spend too much time with you they tend to be hallucinating. People are motivated by you and become highly ambitious, however they tend to lose their appetite and get nauseasious from you. You make people restless and unable to sleep and sometimes they may become irritated and even aggressive around you. As sexy as you are, when someone spends too much time with you they get head aches and lose interest in sex with you.

Here is some HTML for you to cut and paste so you can warn everyone what you are really like

<div align="center"><p><img src=""></p><p>You make people feel extremely good about themselves but they lack good judgement and should they spend too much time with you they tend to be hallucinating. People are motivated by you and become highly ambitious, however they tend to lose their appetite and get nauseasious from you. You make people restless and unable to sleep and sometimes they may become irritated and even aggressive around you. As sexy as you are, when someone spends too much time with you they get head aches and lose interest in sex with you. </p><p><b><a href="">Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!</a></b></p><p>quiz by <a href="">ravenritings</a></p></div>