Your pleasentness makes people feel mildly euphoric, but you usually have to be accompanied by other toxicicities to actually entertain people in any manner. You are a regular kind and can actually help people to cope with their everyday gripes in life. Sometimes you are tiresome and give people headaches. Other times people have difficulty concentrating with you and you can keep them up all night. You can make peoples ears ring and you make children nervouse. Some people cant see clearly and get nauseated by you.

Here is some HTML for you to cut and paste so you can warn everyone what you are really like!

<div align="center"><p><img src=""></p><p>Your pleasentness makes people feel mildly euphoric, but you usually have to be accompanied by other toxicities to actually entertain people in any manner. You are a regular kind and can actually help people to cope with their everyday gripes in life. Sometimes you are tiresome and give people headaches. Other times people have difficulty concentrating with you and you can keep them up all night. You can make peoples' ears ring and make children nervouse. Some people cant see clearly and get nauseated by you.</p><p><b><a href="">Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!</a></b></p><p>quiz by <a href="">ravenritings</a></p></div>