You give people a feeling of well-being and more self confidence. You are a great buzz to be around also giving people the inspiration to actually get things done. Thing is people tend to miss their meals spending alot of time with you and as they are more alert sometimes they get paranoid and think they are spied on by the secret services. Some people gasp with excitement in your pressence with their heart pounding heavily for you to be with them on the other hand sometimes you just make people outright nervouse and anxious. People tend not to be able to sleep with you around and if you spend too much time with people you make them too intense....they start to break out sweating. Complaining of headaches, their dizziness doesnt nessesarily mean they actually want to go to bed with you and some people may actually become hostile and aggressive with you.
Here is some HTML for you to copy and paste so you can warn everyone what you are really like
<div align="center"><p><img src=""></p><p>You are a great buzz to be around and inspire people to actually get things done. Thing is people tend to miss their meals spending alot of time with you and sometimes they get paranoid and think they are spied on by the secret services. It's very difficult for people to sleep with you around and sometimes you just make people outright nervouse and anxious. As stimulating as you are, people sometimes complain of headaches, as they dont nessesarily want to go to bed with you and some people may actually become hostile and aggressive with you.</p><p><b><a href="">Find out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!</a></b></p><p>quiz by <a href="">ravenritings</a></p></div>