raven ritings©

You make people feel rellaxed around you. You are popular and bring many people joy, however the Mrs is inclined to think of you otherwize. You make people dont care less, and so are you there with a fella on his bucks night to see that he can be properly restrained nude to a train that is taking him to a far of distant place. As much as you are wonderful company on a big night out, often people tend to not think that much of you the next day as they are grossly nausiated from night before with you so vowing never to see you again, of which of cause is a big fat lie because they will no doubt meet with you again the following weekend. People who spend too much time with you get sick to the stomache.

Here is some HTML for you to cut and paste so you can warn everyone what you are really like!

<div align="center"><p><img src="http://home.iprimus.com.au/raven2002/quiz/alcohol.jpg"></p><p>You make people feel rellaxed around you. You are popular and bring many people joy, however the Mrs is inclined to think of you otherwize. You make people dont care less, and so are you there with a fella on his bucks night to see that he can be properly restrained nude to a train that is taking him to a far of distant place. As much as you are wonderful company on a big night out, often people tend to not think that much of you the next day as they are grossly nausiated from night before with you so vowing never to see you again, of which of cause is a big fat lie because they will no doubt meet with you again the following weekend. People who spend too much time with you get sick to the stomache. </p><p><b><a href="http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=ravenritings">Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!</a></b></p><p>quiz by <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/ravenritings">raven ritings©</a></p></div>